Hello everybody! I am a freelance illustrator and designer living and working in Minneapolis MN. I have been working for myself for almost 2 years. Before that I worked in the art department at Copycats Media ( I made cd and dvd packaging). Before that I designed and manufactured signs and banners at Kinko’s. Before that I was a water meter reader (walked around and got chased by dogs). Before that I attended School at the Art Institutes International of Minnesota, where I majored in graphic design (00-02). Before that, at one point in my childhood, my dream was to draw teenage mutant ninja turtles comics for a living.

When I’m not doing artsy designerly type stuff (which is rare) I can be found at random concerts, watching Lost, catching a flick at the lagoon, reading a Vonnegut book, or sucking at basketball. I also like to wander aimlessly around the city. So if you see me out yell “Hey Chuck! Think fast!” Then throw something at me. I will react with lightning fast speed and agility. Swiftly roundhouse kicking the object directly back into your hands.

Throughout the years I have done roughly 200+ projects. I have worked with awesome people from N.Y to L.A and everywhere in between. I’ve had my work shown in galleries in Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis and even in London. I have been featured in a couple magazines and even more blogs. And even won an award. I say all this to let you know that I take what I do very seriously. So you can feel confident in hiring me for your project. Even though it kinda sounds like bragging.

Thanks for looking at my website! If you have any questions, comments, or dirty limericks please feel free to email me: Chuck(at)chucku(dot)com Click Here to Download my Resume.